Making Money For Lacrosse #1
The way the lacrosse team makes money is instead of going door to door we work for a company. The lacrosse team would work security for a company we talked with over the summer. The lacrosse teams would work as security guards at a concert. So, the lacrosse team would go on a bus and work all day from morning till night. So, our head coach told us that everyone has to work that week and be ready for a long day. The day we all had to work we woke up at about nine in the morning and walked to the bus. The head coach and the assistant coach had breakfast for us when we all got there. The concert was an hour away and the bus ride was long and awful. We did not know what kind of job we would be assigned when we got to the concert. When we finally got there we got off the bus and walked for about five minutes and met a group of people that were going to work with us. Then the manager came over to tell us what we would be doing for the day. Some of the guys were assigned to stand by the bathrooms and some guys were assigned to stand by the front gate. But I and a few other guys were assigned to stand at the front of the stage and make sure no one was going to jump over the gate. There were about three or four performers that day and they all took two hours on stage. We would all have to stand for two hours while the performers performed their music. Then when they were done we could sit down. We were there for a couple hours without having a break or having time to eat. The company did not provide food for us so we had to spend 20 bucks on a piece of pizza. It was not worth the money, the pizza was not the best. Then after the concert we had to clean up all the trash and make sure everyone was out of the building. After we cleaned up we had to clock out and turn in our earpiece and drive home. The traffic was awful. We did not get home till one in the morning and still had practice at six in the morning. So, working the concert was not worth my time at all.
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