
 For my midterms only two of my classes had them while the other three did not provide them. So, the week before my midterms my professors would use that whole week for review. For math I had class four days a week and one of the classes was an hour and fifteen minutes long. I studied outside of class. Since I have study tables for lacrosse I used those two hours to help me study also. So for the math midterm I was pretty prepared for it. But for my music midterm we only review twice that week in class instead of reviewing all three days. I tried to squeeze time for the music midterm but I was so worried about the math midterm I kind of forgot about the music one. So, because of that I was not really prepared for it but still felt comfortable about the music midterm. I also use the weekend to study for everything while also doing other homework. I also had lacrosse during this whole week so I was busy that whole week and really had no time for myself or time to hangout with my friends over the weekend. Both of my midterms were on Monday. I woke up at eight in the morning for my English class, I studied in there for my midterms and did not really pay attention to my professor. When it was time to go to my music class, I felt good going into it and I felt prepared for the test. We had an hour to finish the test and turn it into her. I took forty five minutes to finish the test and felt pretty good. Right after that I had my math exam so I had no time in between midterms to relax or even study for my math one. For the math midterm we had an hour just like the music midterm. I took the whole hour on this midterm because it was a lot harder than the music one. I felt good on both of them and all I could do was wait to get them back and see what I got. A week later the professors handed them back and I passed both of the midterms. I was happy about that and so were my coaches. I was surprised I passed both, I did not think I would pass my math because it was a lot different than the study guide but I am glad I studied as much as I did.  


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