Making Money for Lacrosse #2

 The lacrosse team and I had to work a second job because our head coach and our assistant coach made us. We worked for the same company as our last job but this time it was somewhere else. It was a concert again, so we did the same stuff as last time. The event was two hours away this time and we had to drive ourselves instead of getting into a bus and driving with the whole team. The concert started at eleven in the morning so we all had to be up around eight in the morning and leave by nine in the morning. When we got there we met with the managers again and got the same jobs as last time. This concert was outside instead of inside like the last concert we worked at. We also had to wear all black shirts and long black pants to the concert. We also had to bring a backpack to hold our things like our wallet and phone etc. The managers handed us our earpieces again and gave us a shirt to wear over our black shirt. It was about eighty degrees outside so it was pretty hot standing in front of the stage for two hours. The managers gave us the same jobs as last time but there was something else to do while we all stood there. At this concert people would crowd surf. So if my teammates saw someone crowd surfing it was our job to catch the crowd surfer before they hit the ground. Sometimes there would be one crowd surfer every song but there was this one song that encouraged crowd surfing. So, all of a sudden so many people would crowd surf. We would have to stand on top of the barrier and catch these sweaty and smelly people every second. It got so crazy the managers had to come over to help us catch people. After the song was over all of us were physically tired and we still had two other performers. Then to make matters worse it started raining on us while we had to stand there with no umbrellas or raincoats.  When the performers were done we had to clean up the mess the crowd made and make sure everyone was out of the venue. Again we turned in our shirts and turned in our earpieces. The car ride back to campus was rough. We were wet and tired and still had two hours ahead of us. When we got to campus around two in the morning we shower and went straight to bed.


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