Making Money For Lacrosse #3

This was my team and I's last fundraiser we had to do for the season. This job we had to do was a lot easier and way more simpler than the last two jobs we had to do earlier in the season.  For this job we would have to work for the Columbus Crew which is a professional soccer team in Ohio. The Crew stadium was close by; it was only about an hour away from campus instead of the two or three hours like the last two jobs were. Plus we did not have to be there super early like the other jobs. We had to be there around noon to get our jobs and help set up the field. Our head coach told us to leave around ten in the morning so we can be there around eleven. When we got there the same thing happened we got our shirts and got assigned our jobs then went to our assigned job. I had the job of sitting in the stands and walking people to their seats. It was a pretty easy job compared to the last two we had. It was a boring job but I would rather have to do this job than do any of the last two jobs we had to do. I only had to walk people to their seats for a little while because at some point everyone that bought a ticket found their seat. So, the rest of the time I got to sit and watch the soccer game. Some of my teammates had to serve food and even clean up spills. But most of them got to stand on the field and face the stands so no one jumped over and got onto the field.  The game only lasted till three or four in the afternoon so it went by pretty quick and all we had to do was clean up and leave. Cleaning took almost an hour but there was a lot to clean up. There was trash on the field from people throwing it but the worst part was the stands. We had to reach under the seats and sometimes get on our hands and knees to get the trash. After that we turned in our shirts and were free to go home. We got back on campus around seven because we stopped for food before going back. Overall that job was way better than the past two jobs.


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